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Expert Guide To Law Career Apparel: Dos and Don'ts for a Professional Look
Dressing right as a lawyer isn't just about looking sharp; it's crucial for setting the tone in and out of the courtroom. Many law professionals grapple with finding that sweet spot between traditional business attire and personal style, ensuring they command respect without sacrificing individuality....
A Guide to International Court Dress: Rules and Customs Around the World
Unsure what to wear for an international court appearance? With varying customs and rules worldwide, it's a common dilemma. Our guide unpacks the complex world of international court dress, from historical evolution to modern-day protocols. Don't miss out on this fascinating journey through legal fashion -...
Virtual Court Attire: How to Dress Professionally for Your Online Court Appearance
Navigating the virtual court landscape can be tricky, especially when it comes to dressing appropriately for your online appearance. Did you know that Judge Dennis Bailey of Florida recently chastised lawyers for appearing inappropriately dressed on video calls? Our blog post will help guide...
Want Your Judge Robes to Last a Lifetime? Expert Tips to Keep Your Garb Looking Impeccable
First impressions can truly set the tone in any situation, and this is no less true for those serving in our judicial system. A judge's robe must be maintained with care to reflect the dignity of their office. Our blog post will guide you on how to properly maintain...
Ethical Standards for Legal Attire
In the world of law and justice, the importance of ethical standards cannot be overstated. However, the issue of appropriate attire for legal professionals has often been a subject of debate and concern. As a lawyer, the way you present...
The Importance of Justice Robes in the Legal System
As Judges, Magistrates, and Lawyers, the significance of justice robes in the legal system cannot be overstated. These iconic garments have a rich history and play a vital role in courtroom proceedings. Beyond their functional purpose, justice robes also hold...
Interesting Facts About the Judicial Branch
The judicial branch is an integral part of any legal system, playing a crucial role in upholding justice and protecting individual rights. For judges, magistrates, and lawyers, understanding the inner workings of the judicial branch is essential. In this blog...
The Elegance of Judge Gown
The Elegance of Judge Gown: An Introduction In the world of law, judges, magistrates, and lawyers hold a position of great authority and responsibility. Their attire not only reflects their status but also carries deep symbolic meaning. One such element...
What to Wear: Judge Attire Guide
As judges, magistrates, and lawyers, it is essential to project a professional image in the courtroom. The attire you choose can greatly impact how you are perceived by others, including jurors, attorneys, and the public. In this guide, we will...
The Elegant Attire of Judges: Robes that Command Respect
In the realm of the courtroom, one cannot overlook the significance of judges' attire. The way judges dress not only reflects their authority but also carries a deep symbolic meaning. Judicial robes, in particular, have a long-standing tradition that dates...
Albany Judge Retirement
The City of Albany, New York is celebrating the retirement of a ground-breaking county judge, William Carter.  Judge Carter became the first Black judge in the city when Albany Mayor Jerry Jennings appointed him in 2002. Judge Carter graduated from...
Thomas Reavley, the oldest active federal judge alive, dies at 99
The oldest active federal judge recently passed away at the age of 99.  Thomas M. Reavley served for 41 years on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. Justice Reavley grew up in Nacogdoches, Texas, which fittingly bills itself as the...
Suffragette cookbook
A 9th Circuit Court of Appeals justice has compiled a commemorative cookbook for the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment.  Judge M. Margaret McKeown wanted a fitting way to celebrate the anniversary of the amendment that allowed women to vote...
The feminization of the SCOTUS Robe
Over the course of Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s career as a Supreme Court Justice, her fashion choices on the bench have been much discussed and lauded.  In a 2014 interview with Katie Couric, Justice Ginsberg explained the origin, memories, and meanings...
A Judge-run Blog that Answers Teen Law Questions
As a judge, you may receive your fair share of questions in casual conversation about the law, and sometimes these questions involve fields you may not specialize in, making you uncomfortable talking about the subject without research. That’s where other...
Are Judges Required to Wear Robes?
Bench, witness stand, chambers, jury box, and gavel – these are the common things one can see in a courtroom. And another typical sight to behold? A judge wearing a distinguished black robe. We typically expect to see judges wearing...
Supreme Court Justice Profile: Clarence Thomas
Last month’s post had us focus on Justice Anthony M. Kennedy. For this month, we’re again going to move forward with the series, this time, setting our eyes on another colleague of his, Justice Clarence Thomas. As someone who emphasizes the textualist...
The supreme tips for getting prepared
Getting a degree is hard deliver the results. There is no two strategies to say it. The secret to success to achieving success is centered on organising your work load and keeping in front of the activity. But you’ve by...
Skirmishing On Obama’s Teaching Legacy
The outrage about this new charter high school offer in The Big Apple seems to be a small compelled, no? It is uncertain how directing through the statistically properly-noted racial disparities in academic final results is racist – quite the...
Supreme Court Justice Profile: Anthony M. Kennedy
Last month’s post was about Justice Stephen Breyer, an expert at constitutional law and other related fields. Moving on, we’ll now focus on Anthony M. Kennedy, who has served the Supreme Court for decades now. He’s been known to be the swing vote of...
How Justices Wear and Style Their Judge Robes
Judges don’t simply choose whatever robes hastily. In fact, they can be rather picky with what they wear, even when they adhere to a certain standard. Although judge robes are rather traditional when it comes to appearance—having been used for...